Virtual Radiologic (vRad) has released a new set of radiology patient care (RPC) indices, the fourth in a series the telemedicine company has made freely available on its website. “Look in the Mirror” provides normalized data to enable hospitals to compare their use of emergency department CT with organizations of similar size.
“Using analytics to better measure, benchmark and prove overall healthcare value is a complex undertaking,” said Philip Hampton, vice president, Lovelace Health System, New Mexico. “You must know what to measure, how to measure it, and what benchmark goals to choose. Radiology analytics demand context if you are going to make better decisions for better alignment with hospital partners around quality, service levels, and performance. Until now, statistically valid samples of normalized data have been unavailable for these necessary peer group comparisons.”
The RPC indices’ interactive infographic enables users to filter results by their relevant hospital-type peer group as well as geographic region, health system classification, bed size, and urban or rural location. Metrics also include top CT procedures by region of the body and top reasons for CT study.
“vRad is committed to elevating radiology as a strategic partner vs. a cost center to be managed,” said Jim Burke, vRad’s CEO. “The breadth of our data set and ongoing investments in data normalization gives us the ability and the responsibility to share analytics tools, like the RPC Indices, to inform the dialogue around measuring radiology’s value and performance—using insights from facts versus intuition or opinions.”
For more information, visit vRad.