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Digital Solutions and Services from Data Distributing
In simple modules or in phased, end-to-end deployment, the D-Essentials Solutions Line from Data Distributing LLC (Santa Cruz, Calif) imports, digitizes, archives, and distributes DICOM images, films, documents, and data. According to Data Distributing President Nancy Fisher, the solution gives small to mid-size facilities the “core digital functionality they need to start saving time and money, as well as address their greatest inefficiencies first.” Then, more modules can be added when needed.
Web: ? www.datadistributing.com
Phone: (800) 635-6779
PACS Solution from eRAD
A new IT platform from eRAD Inc (Greenville, SC) is designed to extend PACS. Called e3, the solution includes new enterprise-capable archive as well as disaster-recovery components, a speech-recognition module, and RIS capability. It also includes eRAD’s PACS PAL (PACS accessory line), which provides Web-distributed reports, Web-enabled viewing, event notification, and collaboration and activity tools. Built for all types and sizes of facilities, e3 is flexible and scalable.
Web: ? www.eradimagemedical.com
Phone: (864) 234-7430
MRI-Compatible Relaxation System from Wardray Premise
The Relax & View Video Relaxation System from Wardray Premise Ltd (Surrey, United Kingdom) is designed for patient relaxation during MRI scans. Patients view an 18-inch thin film transistor screen that is housed in a shielded enclosure and mounted on the wall behind the scanner. A video signal is supplied to the screen via a fiber-optic cable to ensure interference-free operation of the video system with no possibility of artifacts on the scan. Audio is delivered through the scanner’s audio system or the company’s audio entertainment system. The system also can be used in applications where the patient is subjected to visual stimuli for functional brain imaging.
Web: ? www.wardray-premise.com
Phone: 020-8398-9911