Many organizations experience data leakage due to inappropriate sharing or unauthorized access to files containing sensitive, confidential or regulated information, according to a new report from FinalCode Inc, San Jose, Calif.
Its 2015 State of File Collaboration Security report offers key insights into file data leakage risks and incidents; security process and control maturity; perceived cloud-based file platform threats; and investments to preempt and contain file access and usage exposures. Survey respondents are comprised of information security decision makers in mid-tier and large enterprise organizations spanning multiple industries in North America.
Key findings of the report revealed that all responding organizations expressed significant concern for risk of data leakage. Correspondingly, more than 80 percent of survey participants were aware of data leakage incidents in their organizations. While the majority of IT organizations have enhanced technical controls and auditing, only 16 percent of the respondents felt highly confident in their file security investments – indicating an underlying insecurity in monitoring and enforcement capability. Fortunately, the vast majority of respondents, across IT, security and line of business roles, indicated that their organization plans to invest in stronger security controls.
Research for the report was conducted by Enterprise Management Associates.