New Products for the Imaging Industry |
CC300 Electronic Catheter Cabinet from S&S Technology
Offering a solution that is flexible, secure, and customizable, S&S Technology, of Houston, has released a hospital-grade cabinet that is optimized for secure catheter storage. The CC300 Electronic Catheter Cabinet is equipped with password protection, electronic locking, steel construction, and manual key override. Users can retrieve items by entering their personal password, or they can utilize bar-code readers that can scan existing staff badges to streamline the log-in process. Hook-mounted slides, which can be laterally positioned to allow for larger packaging, allow for ease of retrieval and restocking. Data logs provide an automatic audit trail, and customized inventory reports with automatic e-mail can include information on cabinet access and inventory levels. Details on items removed from the cabinet can be tracked when data is captured using the optional RFID scanner. Other optional features include a PC mount with a monitor/keyboard arm, a laptop mounting arm, plastic supply bins, storage shelves, drawer dividers, and interfaces to hospital inventory and billing systems.
(800) 231-1747
fMRI Hardware System from NordicNeuroLab
Norway-based NordicNeuroLab has released a fully integrated stimulus presentation and response collection system called the fMRI Hardware System, now available in the United States. The solution consists of four subsystems: the VisualSystem, AudioSystem, ResponseGrips, and Syncbox. Developed for flexibility and convenience, the VisualSystem is used for presenting visual stimuli in an MR scanner, and it provides users with bright images and brilliant colors. Furthermore, it uses frame sequential presentation, so that true 3D and stereo stimuli can be displayed. The AudioSystem is equipped with headphones and a communication console that allows for two-way simultaneous communication and full flexibility of audio settings. Magnetically and RF inert ResponseGrips sport a four-button patient-friendly design, and the Syncbox offers accurate control over stimulus presentation and easily accessible timing information for data analysis.
(47) 55 70 70 95
TDRS-7101 from Barco
In response to the growing need for instant imaging of raw cone-beam CT data, Belgium-based Barco has released a powerful 3D reconstruction system called the TDRS-7101. The system uses the latest Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) technology to improve the speed and accuracy of CT image acquisition. With the computing power of Barco’s MXRT-7100 graphics board, the solution delivers real-time reconstructions of raw CT images with uncompromised image quality. It also offers 3D rendering based on advanced visualization technology. Described as a cost-effective “three-in-one” solution, the versatile product can reduce overall system cost by replacing the standard display controller used to display the images. Included in the package is a high-performance graphics board, a custom Barco driver, and the complete Software Development Kit.
(678) 475-8000
AccessNET Version 6.3 from Aspyra
Clinical and diagnostic information solutions provider Aspyra Inc, Calabasas, Calif, recently released version 6.3 of its AccessNET PACS, used in the management of clinical images and reports. While providing standard PACS functionality and workflow organization, AccessNET version 6.3 also includes a number of enhancements. The software is equipped with tools for radiologists reading from local and remote locations, improved handling of outside studies, support of encounter-based HL7 messaging, and IHE cross-enterprise sharing of documents and images. It also is equipped with internal processes for improved IT support and PACS administration tools. According to Aspyra, among the technology’s key benefits are low total cost of ownership, which maximizes financial return on in-vestment, a framework for point-of-care image access, and business intelligence capabilities that extract statistical information to recognize trends.
(800) 437-9000
Managed Services from KJAYA Medical
With its combination of Xcell Advanced Server hardware and Volumina Soft-ware, KJAYA Medical has released a managed service offering that allows for quick distribution of CT images via standard high-speed Internet. According to the company, based in Stamford, Conn, Volumina Software is a revolutionary new way to quickly and accurately view and diagnose interactive multiplanar and 3D reconstructed high-volume medical images. Images, which can be viewed in multiple formats, can be accessed anytime, anywhere. The Xcell Advanced Server, the company’s consolidated server class hardware platform, features 3D processing power, unlimited storage, and an endless Web server farm. Providing the two technologies as a managed service, KJAYA Medical offers hardware upgrades and software enhancements, in addition to complete hardware and software support. Installation takes 2 to 4 months, according to KJAYA Medical, and involves little to no up-front cost.
(203) 653-5167
LCD3090WQXi Display from NEC Display Solutions
The newest display from NEC Display Solutions of America, based in Itasca, Ill, was developed to deliver exceptional color performance with advanced functionality. An extension of the MultiSync 90-Series, the 30-inch LCD3090WQXi is a 4-megapixel, wide-gamut, wide-screen LCD. ColorComp reduces LCD uniformity errors and compensates for differences in color/grayscale and luminance, while X-Light Pro backlight technology lets the display produce 102% of the NTSC color scale. It includes a 12-bit, internal look-up table and high bandwidth digital content protection, supported through a DVI-D connector. Additionally, the product incorporates in-plane switching module technology that, according to the company, delivers unparalleled color reproduction and brightness uniformity by minimizing off-angle color shift and clearer black tones in dark-colored images. The display is backed by a 4-year parts and labor warranty.
(800) NEC-MORE
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