New Products for the Imaging Industry |
Virtual Practice Management Suite from Neurostar
New at SIIM this year from Neurostar Solutions Inc, Atlanta, are enhancements to the company’s Virtual Radiology Network, most notably an optional module called the Virtual Practice Management (VPM) suite. The VPM suite provides tools for managing an outsourced radiology services business, including complete radiology reporting tools; customizable result distribution functionality with secure e-mail, electronic faxing, and communication through a Web portal; enhanced scheduled-based study routing; study life cycle management and optimization within a multiclient, multicontract environment; custom management reporting tools; and automated billing and cost analysis reporting. Also new from Neurostar is the Virtual Orthopedic Network (VON), a unique platform combining on- and off-site modules to streamline workflow within the individual orthopedic office across multiple locations. The platform also supports data sharing with referring physicians and other specialists, such as radiologists consulting on MRI exams.
(866) 809-4746
ExamNet Teleradiology Suite from CoActiv
CoActiv Medical Inc, Ridgefield, Conn, will debut its ExamNet teleradiology suite at SIIM 2007. Designed to optimize the capabilities of teleradiology groups and other radiologists who work in multiple remote locations, ExamNet enables increased efficiency and fully integrated workflow among disparate radiology group members. When used with the CoActiv EXAM-PACS, it provides a fast, easy-to-use image management solution, handling image distribution, reading, and archiving. The system is built on CoActiv’s Acquire & Forward Server, which is a combination of hardware and software typically installed at the image acquisition site. The A&F Server receives studies from multiple modalities and automatically and securely routes them for temporary storage at an ExamNet server, from whence they may be pushed or pulled immediately to a radiologist’s local CoActiv EXAM-PACS. The hosted server’s high outgoing bandwidth increases data transmission speed. The CoActiv teleradiology system is fully customizable.
(877) 262-2848
IntegradWeb RIS/PACS from Dynamic Imaging
New from Dynamic Imaging Inc, Allendale, NJ, is the IntegradWeb RIS/PACS, an all-inclusive, unified solution for ambulatory imaging centers and radiology group practices. Integrated end-to-end Web-based workflow leveraging the IntegradWeb RIS/PACS architectural platform allows Dynamic to offer ambulatory facilities a more powerful, more unified radiology desktop. The system also features complementary information management application modules working together seamlessly to offer organizations enhanced workflow with fewer bottlenecks. These modules include enterprise scheduling, precertification workflow, clinical workflow, document management, exam visualization, transcription, dictation, distribution, storage, billing, claims management, and management reporting. The system tracks the patient encounter from scheduling through the entire billing process, establishing workflow that ensures each user enters all required information to create an acceptable insurance claim the first time through.
(888) 303-7227
Wall-Mounted Computer Workstation from AFC
AFC Industries Inc, College Point, NY, a producer of medical and technical furniture, will introduce its space-saving i-Center at SIIM 2007. Designed to enable computer access wherever needed without utilizing workspace, the i-Center is a wall-mounted workstation. It features a fold-down keyboard tray with a damper for smooth operation and a VESA-compliant monitor holder; it accommodates any standard computer, turning empty wall space into a handy work area. With a laminated front and side wall that can be specified to match room décor and grommet holes for cabling, as well as a removable front panel with security screws as a theft-protection measure, the i-Center is designed to make the most of limited space in a busy health care environment. All AFC’s products are constructed from high-quality reinforced steel.
(800) 663-3412