ScreenPoint Medical, the company that developed the world leading Transpara AI breast care system, announces the launch of its new Medical Advisory Board (MAB) comprised of distinguished leaders in breast radiology from both sides of the Atlantic.
The MAB will help the company better understand the external medical and imaging environment, in particular the junction between imaging, breast AI, and cancer detection. Additionally, we look forward to guidance on both existing products, those under development and future unmet market needs. Transpara Breast AI, which is now in daily use across the United States and in more than 30 other countries worldwide, has received endorsement from more peer reviewed scientific papers than any other breast AI product.
The new MAB brings together a unique team of renowned experts in the field who will have a continuing influence on the development of Transpara internationally.
“We are thrilled that such respected professionals have decided to join our Medical Advisory Board, “said Mark Koeniguer, CEO of ScreenPoint Medical. “Together, they bring an unparalleled wealth of experience to help guide us to the next level of development, and to ensure we can bring high impact solutions to clinicians while benefiting patients in our joint fight against breast cancer.”
- Dr. Jennifer Harvey is Professor and Chair at the University of Rochester Department of Imaging Sciences. Harvey is an international expert in breast imaging and the early detection of breast cancer. Previously, she was on faculty at the University of Virginia for 26 years, leading its Division of Breast Imaging, Breast Cancer Program, and serving as vice-chair for Education and Faculty Development. Dr. Harvey’s primary research interest is mammographic breast density and the association with breast cancer risk.
- Laurie Margolies, MD, Director of Breast Imaging at Mount Sinai Health System, an American College of Radiology fellow and past-President of the New York Breast Imaging Society. Dr. Margolies received her medical degree from Yale School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Her research interests include health care disparities, breast MRI, breast density and digital breast tomosynthesis. Dr. Margolies is an uncompensated consultant for ScreenPoint Medical.
- Dr. Ritse Mann is a breast and interventional radiologist at the Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen and the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam and is leading clinical breast imaging research at both institutions. His areas of interest include breast cancer screening, breast MRI, minimal invasive therapy and the use of artificial intelligence for screening, diagnosis and therapy selection of breast cancer. Dr. Mann is a member of the executive board of the European society of breast imaging (EUSOBI) since 2015 and chairing its scientific committee and the program planning committee of the annual meeting.
[Source(s): ScreenPoint Medical, PR Newswire]