1. Ruth Grafton (far left) and Michelle Candill, both of Planmed Inc, meet at the Philips Medical Systems booth with attendee Judy Coman and Vera Wright (far right) of Chesapeake Medical Systems.
2. Mark Goldberg, MD, of Precision Health Imaging Inc performs a demonstration for Vijay Ramanathan of RamSoft Inc. 3. Busy at work is Matt Egan of Voxar. 4. The Fimi Philips folks-Adalberto Mosco, Sergio Pirota, and Silvio Bonfighio, from left to right-hold an informal meeting. 5. Krishan Suthanthiran of Best Medical International Inc tests out one of the ergonomic reading-room chairs available from Sound Ergonomics Inc, demonstrated by Carolyn Coffin. 6. Martin Smoler of Medical Positioning meets up with Javed Ahsan of Medicor Imaging. |
7. Smiles all around from (left to right) Terry Shaffer, MD, Kristine Kauffman of Advanced Imaging Research Inc, and Michael Anderson of Philips Medical Systems.
8. Monte Chaille of Philips Medical Systems (right) highlights a new product for Andrew Benko, MD. 9. Attendee Leonid Syrkin (left) learns something new about Hinnovation Inc from Hui Ha (center) and Yi Isabelle Sun (right). 10. It’s a Stentor demonstration from Tom Van Den Hoven for Lesley Wright (center) and Fiona Funivall, both of the NHS Modernisation UK Agency. 11. Philip Czajkowski and Jack Hope are proud to show off the wares on 12. Delft Diagnostic Imaging’s Harold Woensdregt (left) chats with Peter Thaens (center) and Bernd Heuhsen, both of Eizo. |
13. Alpine Solutions Inc’s Graciela Camacho (left), Ed Misukanis (second from left), and Jennifer Urban (right) meet with Martin St Denis, Medical Imaging advertising director.
14. The TeraRecon team came out in full force: Tom Everhart, Jennifer Kenny-Smith, Tom Kaser, and Steve Sandy. 15. Around the table we go with Julia Morris of Introvision, Pat Oliphant of DI Portal, Bryan Donley and Jakki Zerbe of JZ Imaging and Consulting, and Dale Moser, president of EduMed. 16. Michael Lamb, Garet van Gennep, and Michael Mast, all of IDX, join the fun at the first-annual Medical Imaging welcome reception at RSNA. 17. Leo Boudreau, Denise Meyer, and Lee Oppengaard all bring a little life to the party, Aloka Science & Humanity style. 18. Jeff Johnson, Dennis Wisher, and John Taylor, all of Medison America, read up on Medical Imaging. |