PerkinElmer Inc expands its in vivo imaging portfolio with the launch of the Vega imaging system, a first-of-its kind ultrasound platform that combines hands-free, automated technology with high-throughput capability to accelerate non-invasive research and drug development studies of cancer, liver and kidney disease, cardiology and more. PerkinElmer is one of the leading providers of preclinical imaging systems spanning multiple modalities across ultrasound, optical and microCT, including the widely adopted IVIS optical imaging platform.
The Vega system eliminates challenges associated with conventional hand-held ultrasound systems through the use of two automated transducers located below the imaging stage. This innovative design results in easy-to-use technology which can be operated without a dedicated sonographer, while producing more consistent results compared to traditional ultrasound systems. The Vega system’s high-throughput capability allows researchers to sequential scan up to three subjects in just a few minutes. Additionally, widefield imaging enables researchers to visualize pathophysiology of disease or effects of therapies within the broader anatomical and pathological context.
“We’re pleased to offer researchers the innovative Vega ultrasound system to help R&D productivity with rapid image acquisition supporting a range of ultrasound studies while meeting increasing demand for non-invasive animal imaging technologies,” says Alan Fletcher, senior vice president life science, at PerkinElmer.
Standard features include brightness and motion modes, acoustic angiography mode for visualization of microvasculature, and Shear Wave Elastography (SWE) mode to measure and evaluate tissue stiffness – a marker used in many disease states including liver, kidney, and various stages of cancer.
PerkinElmer gained the Vega technology, commercialized in 2018, through its recent acquisition of SonoVol Inc, a spinout from the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University.
Learn more about the Vega ultrasound imaging system and schedule a personal demonstration here. You can also learn more at AACR 2022 from April 8-13 in New Orleans, where PerkinElmer is exhibiting its latest innovations for cancer researchers.
[Source(s): PerkinElmer Inc, Business Wire]