Since the introduction of computed tomographic colonography (CTC) or “virtual colonoscopy” in 1994, there has been significant progress in clinical implementation and development of practice standards. At present, CTC is being performed on an elective basis at countless institutions around the world. Recent advances in the software used for interpretation and developing advances in “prepless” CTC will continue to evolve and improve the technique.
A variety of scanning techniques have been described for CTC, 1,2 all of which apply the same basic principles of patient preparation and imaging. The accuracy of CTC is directly related to the adequacy of colon cleansing since retained stool can simulate polyps, decreasing specificity, while retained fluid can obscure polyps, decreasing sensitivity. Multiple laxative regimens for CTC such as polyethylene glycol, magnesium citrate, and sodium phosphate laxative solution have been used. 3 At the current time, full colonic cleansing with cathartics is required to achieve acceptable results in routine clinical practice.
Even following a full dose bowel-cleansing regimen, residual stool can cause problem for interpretation. Methods to improve CTC accuracy using barium or/and iodine to label or “tag” residual stool have been investigated. 4-13 These agents are orally administrated with meals, 1 to 2 days before the CTC. They mix with the fecal material allowing the differentiation between a polyp (soft-tissue density) and stool (high density). The high-density tagging agents also mix with the residual fluid allowing for “subtraction” of the fluid layer to “uncover” submerged polyps. Many clinicians have partially attributed the excellent results achieved by Pickhardt et al to the use of fecal and fluid tagging with subtraction. 7,11
Since the requirement of a laxative for bowel cleansing in CTC is one of the major barriers for patient compliance with screening, 14 efforts to eliminate or minimize this burden are under investigation. They include allowing the patient to consume a structured low fiber diet instead of clear liquids, reducing the laxative dose by adding fecal/fluid tagging, or completely eliminating the laxative by using fecal/fluid tagging combined with electronic stool subtraction. 8,9,10,12,13
The ultimate goal of fecal tagging is to completely eliminate the need for cathartic preparation. 6 Once the stool has been adequately labeled, interpretation can be improved by electronically removing the tagged fecal material prior to inspection. 7-9 This technique has been termed “electronic cleansing” or “digital stool subtraction.” This automated technique has been shown to be useful when fecal tagging is combined with cathartic bowel cleansing7 and also when tagging is used as a complete replacement for cathartic cleansing. 8-10 A recent study by Iannaccone et al 10 demonstrated excellent results in polyp detection using fecal tagging without cathartic and suggests that virtual colonoscopy with a “virtual preparation” is a realizable goal in the near future.
Following image acquisition, the CT data is sent to a workstation (Figures 1-4) and can be viewed using a variety of techniques. 19-22 While most experts in CTC (as of 2004) interpreted virtual colonoscopy studies using a primary 2D approach with 3D reserved for problem solving, a growing number prefer a primary 3D approach. 3 Most studies to date have used the primary 2D interpretation method 4,10,12,13,23-32 ; however, recent studies have achieved excellent results with a primary 3D approach. 11,33 Few studies have directly compared primary 2D methods against primary 3D methods. 23,32 In addition, new software algorithms have been developed to supplement or replace traditional 2D and traditional endoluminal 3D views. 22,33,34 As workstations continue to improve, it is almost certain that the debate between primary 2D versus primary 3D interpretation will become moot; interpretation will consist of seamless integration of both 2D and 3D images. In addition, the development of computer-aided detection (CAD) will greatly influence the reading strategies and visualization methods of the future.
Cancer screening has been shown to reduce mortality by detecting disease at an early asymptomatic stage with better prognosis. The goal of screening is to identify individuals who are more likely to have an unrecognized disease from among the healthy population. Once identified, these individuals can undergo the more invasive, expensive, but definitive diagnostic procedure. 35 At the moment, endoscopic colonoscopy has come to be used for screening but, since it is both invasive and expensive, it is not a true screening tool. 35 Virtual colonoscopy or CT colonography is a true screening tool with minimal invasiveness and acceptable cost. Multiple studies have shown that it has accuracy similar to that of conventional colonoscopy both in high-risk groups 27,28,36 and, more recently, in a low-prevalence screening population. 11
While CT colonography has numerous advantages in comparison to other leading screening tests, such as high patient acceptance, safety, lack of sedation, and extracolonic review during polyp screening, it also has several limitations, including inability to perform simultaneous detection and removal of polyps, exposure to ionizing radiation, and requirement of colonic cleansing with cathartics. Although several studies suggest CTC has a higher accuracy than any colorectal screening test other than endoscopic colonoscopy, the accuracy of CTC is still being debated and studied. Moreover, there is conflicting data establishing the accuracy of CTC in a true screening population. 11,23,25,37 A large multicenter trial (ACRIN) is now under way, and results of this asymptomatic cohort are eagerly anticipated. The risk/benefit balance of virtual versus endoscopic colonoscopy will need reevaluation once these results are available.
Issues relating to clinical implementation of CTC continue to be solved as virtual colonoscopy moves from being a research technique to becoming a generally accepted screening test. These include development of practice guidelines (technique, reporting, and training), as well as securing adequate reimbursement for the procedure. Traditionally, development of such practice guidelines follows from an accumulation of clinical data, literature reviews, and consensus opinions from knowledgeable experts in the field. 3 Three recent manuscripts have reported (or will report) on the developing consensus in technique, 3 training, 38 and reporting. 39
In the survey by Barish et al, 3 oral sodium phosphate solution without routine fecal tagging was the preferred preparation regimen. All surveyed experts recommended both prone and supine imaging, with most believing neither IV contrast material nor spasmolytics are necessary. Recommended scan technique included a minimum acceptable slice thickness of 3 mm and a low dose technique. There was agreement that there is a threshold size below which polyps are not clinically important. 3
Soto et al38 reported on the developing consensus in training. Recommendations included attending a formal VC training course consisting of didactic lectures and review of clinical cases on a workstation. Readers of CTC studies should review a library of at least 50 cases with known pathology prior to performing interpretation on clinical patient studies. Fortunately, several formal training courses now exist throughout the country. Information regarding these training courses is readily available on the Internet (eg, ).
Zalis et al 39 will publish the reporting standards (C-RADS) for CTC in a manuscript by the end of the summer. The manuscript describes the development of a standardized reporting lexicon and recommendations for follow-up. C-RADS recommends that polyps less than 6 mm need not be reported due to the low prevalence of advanced adenomas or cancers in polyps of this size. Additional recommendations regarding follow-up and reporting of larger polyps and extra-colonic findings are included.
The last step in the clinical implementation of CTC as a screening test for colo-rectal cancer involves securing adequate reimbursement for the procedure. Early strides in this area have been successful in several states. In the Northeast, several Medicare carriers now cover CTC following a failed endoscopic colonoscopy. In addition, several third-party payors are now considering adding coverage for CTC for limited indications, including screening of patients who are unable to undergo endoscopic colonoscopy.
Advances in CTC techniques such as fecal tagging, software visualization strategies, and development of CAD will continue to improve accuracy and reduce current limitations. Development of consensus opinions in the areas of training, technique, and reporting will aid in the formulation of practice standards and guidelines. Finally, third-party payors will recognize the growing body of evidence in support of CTC and begin to offer coverage for screening.
Tatiana C. Rocha, MD, is research fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston.
Matthew A. Barish, MD, is director, 3D Image Processing Center, Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston.
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