The field of vascular imaging is evolving at a rapid pace with dramatic changes the order of the day.
Technical advances to interventional approaches such as stent placement and purposeful arterial embolization have changed treatment options from the use of full-blown surgical procedures to less invasive techniques. The greater image resolution afforded by advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) has resulted in the use of those imaging modalities for diagnostic purposes, while interventional techniques are performed on real-time x-ray angiography and ultrasound systems with enhanced capabilities over their predecessors.
With the emergence of equivalent quality images available on mobile x-ray angiography systems, endovascular procedures that formerly were performed in a dedicated fixed-room angiography suite are now moving to the operating room. Research efforts include the use of more than one imaging modality within a given treatment session through the use of combined MR/angio rooms where the patient lies on a table that moves smoothly from one imaging device to another.
Vascular imaging
The options for the diagnosis of vascular disease have increased through improved capabilities of imaging equipment. With improved image resolution now available on 1.5 T MR scanners and high-end CT equipment, diagnosis of vascular disease is now possible using those modalities.
Please refer to the February 2002 issue for the complete story. For information on article reprints, contact Martin St. Denis