Vital Images, Plymouth, Minn, introduces Vitrea 2, Version 3.1, its newly updated diagnostic imaging software for use in 3D environments. Version 3.1 features several advancements with respect to work-flow efficiency and usability in the CT colonography application. A highlight of the product is the Study Viewer, which enables a radiologist to quickly inspect raw slice data in a pop-up window and verify that the images are adequate for diagnosis before releasing the patient. (800) 231-0607; www.vitalimages.com.


Voxar Limited, Edinburgh, Scotland, introduces Voxar Calscreen 2.1, the company’s new calcium scoring software that provides 3D views of all image data. This multi-vendor compatible software works with a CT scanner to detect calcified plaques, provide clear images, and evaluate statistically determined levels of risk. It also includes the following features: point and click calcification assignment; user-defined color coding; standard and user-configured report templates; coronary artery calcium volume measurement; and automated calcification marking. +44 (0)131-472-4792; www.voxar.com.


Medison America Inc, Cypress, Calif, introduces the SonoAce 8000 Live 3D ultrasound system. This product combines live 3D and volume 3D imaging with the 2D functionality of the SonoAce 8000 EX. Ideally suited to obstetric and gynecological applications, the product’s 3D technology allows users to acquire real-time images with a single action, resulting in a variety of images that allow for diagnostic accuracy. Each SonoAce comes with SonoView II, an integrated image management solution that networks with PACS systems as well as PCs running the company’s optional SonoView Pro software. (800) 829-7666; www.medison.com.


TeraRecon Inc, San Mateo, Calif, introduces the AquariusBLUE workstation, an end-user product designed for 3D postprocessing, with existing CT or MR scanners. This product is designed specifically to offer real-time performance, high image quality for interactive 2D soft-copy review, and advanced 3D and 4D postprocessing image reconstruction. It is powered by VolumePro 1000, a real-time 3D rendering hardware solution. In addition, radiologists and clinicians can load studies of up to 900 slices within seconds, and are able to work in 2D and 3D simultaneously. Visualization tools include the ability to slice/rotate, pan/zoom, crop, and manipulate interactive cut planes. (800) 746-1849; www.terarecon.com.


AccuImage, San Francisco, presents the AccuView 3D workstation. The product features full-color volume rendering technology for 3D reconstructions and visualizations of medical imaging data. It also features 3D browsing tools for performing curved and planar reformats, MIP projections, and 3D reconstructions of anatomy; rapid flight-path movie sequencing; and coronary artery calcification scoring. The product can also be integrated with standard Microsoft Windows applications, and archiving is possible to PACS through Dicom or direct from the workstation to CD-R/RW. Finally, the AccuView is capable of direct interfacing to laser images for filming. (877) 875-0192; www.accuimage.com.


Viatronix Inc, Stony Brook, NY, introduces the V3D Explorer, its new 2D and 3D workstation. The product offers real-time volume rendering and advanced speeds, as well as the following features: automatic segmentation; volume measurement; annotations; slice shadows; 2D and 3D sculpting; and multiple view layouts. Users can also choose from a number of different task-specific screen layouts, select an organ-specific preset for window/level and color map settings, and customize a report for referring physicians or for the patient.(866) 887-4636; www.viatronix.com.