Humanetics Corporation, Minneapolis, has signed a worldwide license for medication that may reduce the effects of ionizing radiation due to overexposure to CT scans, radiation therapy, or a terrorist attack.
Humanetics has actually licensed two new treatments, both from the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. When taken after radiation exposure, one is effective within 24 hours of exposure and the second is effective more than 24 hours after a radiological event.
In addition to the new license, Humanetics has already acquired the worldwide rights to BIO 300, another medical radiation countermeasure intended to be administered before a CT exam to protect against the effects of accidental overexposure.
If eventually approved for use in humans by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the radiation countermeasures—expected to be available in pill form—will also be a solution for radiation exposure from a nuclear accident or terrorist attack.
The primary role of Humanetics’ new treatments will be to address Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) and Delayed Effects of Acute Radiation Exposure (DEARE), a condition that includes an array of disease states that occur months after overexposure and can lead to pulmonary injury such as pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis.
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(Source: Press Release)