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Remote RIS/PACS Monitoring Service
Dynamic Imaging (Allendale, NJ) has added a new feature to its IntegradWeb PACS and RIS/PACS platforms: remote system monitoring. The Guardian system provides complete, proactive monitoring of hardware, software, and network connectivity. It also tracks the ongoing performance of the company?s software applications, automatically checking and compiling information by such criteria as image acquisition or compression queues to alert end-users to any potential degradation problems in advance. The Guardian keeps watch from the company?s headquarters.
Web: ? www.dynamic-imaging.com
Phone: (888) 303-PACS
MRI-Guided Breast Biopsy Device
Ethicon Endo-Surgery (EES of Cincinnati) recently introduced its Mammotome MR System for image-guided breast biopsies. Compatible with stereotactic, ultrasound, and MRI?as well as many magnet, breast coil, and CAD options?the system boasts a hands-free holster with feedback display, and users are able to visualize the sampling area/aperture in MR. The new localization system provides better access to the breast, and the system?s targeting set and vacuum tubing make it possible to deliver anesthesia throughout the procedure. Available as a complete unit or as an upgrade to existing Mammotome Breast Biopsy Systems, the Mammotome MR offers multiple needle lengths and gauge sizes. EES also provides “Ready Sets,” which include all of the disposable Mammotome components required to perform a biopsy procedure and mark the biopsy site in one package.
Web: ? www.breastbiopsy.com
Phone: (800) USE-ENDO
Enterprise-Level CD/DVD/BD Publishing Solution
Primera Technology Inc (Plymouth, Minn) has released the Bravo XR series of enterprise-class disk publishing solutions, including the Bravo XR Disc Publisher, Bravo XR-Blu Disc Publisher, Bravo XRP Disc Publisher, Laminator XR, and Server XR. The series enables fast disk burning and printing of all CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray disks (BDs). Supply replenishment takes place entirely from the front, allowing placement on counters, shelves, and in standard 19-inch wire racks. The XR series uses a robotic arm to automatically record a disk with one drive, and then inkjet-print full-color images and text direct-to-disk at 4800 dpi resolution. The cannisters of both Bravo XR and the XR-Blu hold 50 disks; the XRP holds 100 disks. Shown here is the (from top to bottom) Server XR, Bravo XR, and Laminator XR combination.
Web: ? www.primera.com
Phone: (800) 797-2772
Enhancements to Radiology Ordering Service
RadWise, the online point-of-care radiology ordering subscription service from Sage Health Management Solutions Inc (Sage HMS of Minneapolis), now boasts greater Internet browser capability, among other recent enhancements to the technology. The updated user interface has been tested with all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, and Mozilla Firefox. Other improvements include improved graphic presentation with easier-to-follow screens and prompts, as well as better tracking of orders. The secure and encrypted Internet tool combines computerized provider order entry (CPOE) with clinical decision support (CDS) to ensure that patients always receive the most appropriate diagnostic imaging test, according to the company.
Web: ? www.sagehms.com
Phone: (763) 591-1711
Mobile Imaging PACS Product from TRS
WorkDirector, a new solution from TRS Solutions LLC (Suwanee, Ga), makes it possible for mobile-imaging technologists to configure the PACS solution for each site visited. The product runs on a Windows 2000 or XP workstation on a PC onboard the mobile unit and is configured to support the local area network configuration, DICOM storage class send destinations, and modality worklist for each site with a single configuration. (An engineer is required for a one-time configuration of the modality to send to a customer?s PACS archive and to support the modality worklist.) The software also is available as an appliance without the need of a keyboard/mouse. The system is currently available for $5,000; normal retail is $7,500.
Web: ?
Phone: (678) 546-1015
MRI Motion-Correction Software
New from Siemens Medical Solutions (Malvern, Pa) is syngo Blade?Tim (Total imaging matrix) technology-powered MRI software that produces clear images in neurological and orthopedic procedures, even in cases of severe movement. By continuously acquiring low-resolution images, syngo Blade measures and corrects any motion to provide clear images?shown here is a neurological scan. With the application?s low sensitivity to movement, medical professionals can reduce sedation rates in pediatric and anxious patients, increasing patient throughput and decreasing costs. Syngo Blade is available on the company?s Magnetom Avanto, Symphony, Espree, and Trio MRI scanners.
Web: ? www.usa.siemens.com/medical
Phone: (888) 826-9702
Rackmount and Desktop Storage Options from Hammer Storage
Hammer Storage (San Jose, Calif), a division of Bell Microproducts, has introduced the Hammer Z-Series of network storage products. The line currently offers the Hammer Z-Rack HZR1U (left, top), a Z-rack rackmount; and the Hammer Z-Box HZD4B (left, bottom), a Z-box desktop product. The storage options are enabled by Z-SAN technology from Zetera Corp (Irvine, Calif). The technology creates an efficient, robust, and scalable storage platform by implementing a true storage-over-Internet Protocol (SoIP) architecture. The new products aggregate for capacity up to 128 petabytes (PB) per volume across multiple enclosures and for performance of 10-plus gigabytes per second across multiple enclosures. They also promise hardware RAID functionality and the ability to extend RAID volumes across physical enclosures, while delivering NAS-like file and volume sharing on a block-based device.
Web: ? www.hammer-storage.com
Phone: (888) 444-9977
3D Virtual Reality Application for Neurosurgical Planning
Volume Interactions Pte Ltd (Singapore), a member of the Bracco Group (Princeton, NJ), has launched Dextroscope, which provides 3D visualization for applications in surgical planning and evaluation. The system integrates CT and MRI images into true 3D volumetric objects, enabling surgeons to virtually go ?inside? their patients? images. Dextroscope?s 6D controller and stylus work as extensions of the surgeon?s hands, providing the ability to interact with images and make adjustments as necessary.
Web: ? www.dextroscope.com
Phone: (877) BRACCO-9