January 31, 2007—Onex Corp, Toronto, announced yesterday that after its acquisition of the Health Group of Eastman Kodak Co, Rochester, NY, the new independent company will be named Carestream Health Inc.

In 2004 the Health Group conducted a market survey on a range of names and naming systems for potential sub-brands within its product family; through this survey, which queried 600 professionals worldwide, including CEOs, CIOs, and radiology directors at leading health care facilities, Carestream emerged as the name of choice. Respondents felt that the name signified a focus on products enabling “outstanding patient care” and superior “workflow efficiency.” In 2005, the company began to use the name in association with a range of digital imaging and IT products.

“As the Health Group moves toward the end of a long, successful chapter in its history, it now takes a major step toward a new beginning with the introduction of Carestream as its future company name,” said Robert M. LeBlanc, chairman of Carestream Health and managing director of Onex. “We look forward to making Carestream synonymous with quality, efficiency, and integrity.”

—Cat Vasko