Compact 3T MR System
Philips Medical Systems, Bothell, Wash, has received FDA approval to market its Intera 3.0 T MR scanner, for use in whole-body imaging. Features include a spectroscopy package, vector cardiogram (VCG) triggering, advanced shimming, a real-time motion correction technique, and interactive real-time scanning. Research work conducted on the scanner also suggests the potential for molecular imaging. The scanner weighs 12,000 lbs, and is shorter than most 3T systems. (425) 482-8547; .
3T MR Scanner
Siemens Medical Solutions, Iselin, NJ,? has received FDA clearance for the commercial sale of the company’s MAGNETOM Trio-3T whole-body MR scanner for the US market. The whole-body concept of the Trio incorporates a full-sized patient bore, which permits the study of all human anatomy on any patient, from pediatrics to adults. The design of the scanner’s whole-body radio frequency (RF) coil provides for transmit and receive functions, as well as for use with Siemens’ Integrated Panoramic Array coil concept, which has been demonstrated on the Maestro Class of MR scanners. The scanner will be used to study small vascular pathologies, musculoskeletal diseases, and tumors. (732) 906-3802; .
Image Measuring Pen
Huestis Medical, Bristol, RI, introduces the AccuTracker precision measuring pen, manufactured by Precision Technology Devices, Skokie, Ill.? AccuTracker performs precision linear measurement and ratio calculations of arbitrarily complex shapes, areas, and volumes critical to medical and scientific image interpretation. This laser pointer-sized measuring tool utilizes a self-aligning optical detector and internal microprocessor, making graphical measurements with an accuracy of 0.009 inches (.023cm). (401) 253-5500; .
Mammography Viewers
S&S Technology, Houston, introduces three new motorized mammography viewers. The MV800 has four fully automated shades with frame-specific memory, as well as a vertical belt and a wide luminance range that exceeds ACR recommendations. The MV800 supports up to 800 mammography films, and can also can be upgraded to include an internal spotlight. The MV400C is a larger version of the MV800, with a belt that can be configured to hold both mammography and 14 x17-inch films, and designed for those who wish to view more than eight films concurrently. Finally, the RADX CrystalViewer has two independent horizontal belts, an advanced liquid crystal display (LCD), easy-to-use controls, and a standard capacity of 800 mammograms. (281) 815-1300; .
Orthopedic Display Station
Agfa, Toronto, introduces its IMPAX? for Orthopedics, a picture archiving and communications system to help orthopedic surgeons manage patients’ images and medical information. This digital work-flow product integrates Agfa’s IMPAX OT3000 display station with additional hardware and software to assist orthopedic specialists in managing patients’ images and medical information. The system allows orthopedic surgeons to select from a library of digital templates of prosthesis devices and electronically overlay them on an image. It? also enables them to work from a dedicated workstation to prepare for surgery and to measure radiographic outcomes. (416) 214-0701; .
Flat Panel
Quest International, Irvine, Calif, announces the introduction of the MD3000F 3MP Greyscale Flat Panel with a special panel protector. This product has a 20.8″ panel that displays images at 170 footlamberts, with a 600:1 contrast ratio. It features a fully digital design for high-quality image viewing. It can be used in a portrait (1,536 x 2,048 resolution) or landscape (2,048 x 1,536 resolution) orientation. The MD3000F video card supports up to two MD3000F flat panels and has an optional calibrator. Additionally, the product’s small footprint makes it well suited for all imaging environments. (949) 581-9900; .