December 12, 2006—Robert Baumgartner, CEO of Center for Diagnostic Imaging Inc (CDI of Minneapolis), has been elected chairperson of the National Coalition for Quality Diagnostic Imaging Services (NCQDIS of Washington, DC) effective January 1, 2007. He will replace nine-year NCQDIS President Cherrill Farnsworth.

“Bob will bring great leadership to NCQDIS as our organization devotes more resources to educating Congress on the need for quality diagnostic imaging services and the standards required to ensure quality,” Farnsworth said. “We are confident that Bob will be an effective guide as we face both legislative and industry challenges.”

This year Baumgartner provided expert testimony on behalf of NCQDIS to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee on diagnostic imaging quality standards. He also spearheaded NCQDIS efforts involved the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, MedPAC, and federal legislation.

“We have an aggressive agenda for 2007 as we continue to confront critical Congressional and regulatory issues in diagnostic imaging, including the Deficit Reduction Act, that will affect Americans’ ability to access cost-effective, high-quality medical imaging services,” Baumgartner said.

—Cat Vasko