HIMSS Analytics has recognized Edward. W. Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Mich, with a Stage 7 Award for successful implementation of electronic health record technology. The hospital’s 29 associated ambulatory clinics have also earned Stage 7 Ambulatory Awards.
Sparrow Health System is a member of the Mayo Health Network and includes facilities in Lansing, St. Johns, Ionia and Carson City, Mich, as well as Physicians Health Plan, Sparrow Physicians Health Network, the Sparrow Medical Group and the Michigan Athletic Club. Sparrow is also affiliated with Michigan State University’s three human health colleges.
The Stage 7 Award is granted to health facilities that have reached an advanced patient record environment. During the third quarter of 2014, 3.4% of the more than 5,400 United States hospitals in the HIMSS Analytics Database received the Stage 7 Award, and 4.37% of the more than 27,000 ambulatory clinics in the HIMSS Analytics Database received the Stage 7 Ambulatory Award.
“Achieving the highest level of EHR and health IT adoption improves quality and safety as well as Patient satisfaction and value,” said Tom Bres, senior vice president and chief administrative officer at Sparrow. “We could not have achieved this without an amazing, dedicated team, focused on innovation that matters for our patients and the community.”
For more information, visit HIMSS Analytics.