Agfa HealthCare announced that the United States Navy has awarded the company a contract to upgrade more than 30 ships in the Navy’s fleet with Agfa HealthCare’s DX-D 400, DX-D 100, and other systems. To be used along with Agfa HealthCare’s IMPAX PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) and TalkStation voice recognition system for diagnostic reporting, this end-to-end solution will provide the United States Navy with improved, efficient workflow from image acquisition to study reporting.
The system will enable streamlined workflow from image acquisition to image interpretation by the radiologists using IMPAX PACS at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Walter Reed uses the IMPAX PACS and TalkStation for dictation and reporting and will now be able to send and receive full reports as well complete patient records, further streamlining reporting the process by allowing radiologists to easily dictate, edit, code, and sign reports within minutes.