Advanced screening mammography service improves detection capabilities for breast cancer
Radiology Imaging Associates, a division of RadNet, Inc., has announced that it has started implementation of its new Enhanced Breast Cancer Detection (EBCD) service, which works in concert with a patient’s annual breast screening regimen. For an additional fee, patients can receive an advanced screening mammography service including the application of Saige-Dx™一an FDA-cleared artificial intelligence (AI) technology powered by DeepHealth一an additional AI-driven review (“Accord”) applied to certain suspicious exams and findings, an in-depth personalized lifetime risk assessment for breast cancer, and a dedicated 1-800 support line for questions about certain aspects of the patient’s reports.
“AI is dramatically improving our detection capability and overall quality,” said Howard Berger, M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of RadNet. Gregory Sorensen, M.D., founder of DeepHealth and President of RadNet’s AI division, added, “Saige-Dx is a sophisticated, AI deep-learning algorithm that has been trained on more data than any one radiologist would see in a lifetime. Saige-Dx’s pivotal study showed that radiologists who used Saige-Dx improved their performance, something no other mammography AI tool has demonstrated. Saige-Dx analyzes each mammogram in detail, and if suspicious findings are present, the AI identifies the lesion in the exam for the radiologist and categorizes the level of suspicion.”
Jacqueline Holt, M.D., a Director of Breast Imaging at RadNet, stated, “In medicine, the ability to see and detect disease with more certainty is a game-changer, driving better patient outcomes. We are using AI to detect breast cancers that the human eye might not notice. In my experience, the addition of these proven, FDA-cleared algorithms has allowed us to detect hundreds of cancers that otherwise would not have been found at the time of screening.”
According to Dr. Berger, “The EBCD service is one of the most exciting and important endeavors the company has pursued for our patients and staff. It serves as another example of how RadNet continues to lead radiology forward.”
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