Medical Chart Security Bag from Carstens
Carstens Inc (Chicago) offers its lightweight chart security bag for easy and secure transferring of patient records. Made of vinyl-coated nylon, the bag is both water and abrasion resistant and features a scratch- and fingerprint-resistant clear vinyl pocket sewn on the outside. To meet mandated security and privacy regulations, the bag’s zippers-which open from both sides-have loops that accommodate a breakaway lock. Featuring a padded carrying handle, the bag can be custom printed with a facility’s logo and contact information. ? 800-782-1524
Cable Assemblies from Gore
WL Gore and Associates Inc (Newark, Del) has announced a line of advanced cable assemblies geared toward powered surgical instruments (PSIs). The SIL-KORE cable assembly is a flexible, autoclavable, and robust product designed to help PSIs withstand harsh environments due to increased sterilization requirements. SIL-KORE features patented fluoropolymer silicone composite technology as well as weight savings of 30% to 50% over conventional silicone. It is compatible with most sterilization modalities, can endure pre- and postoperative cleansing procedures, and remains flexible and easy to handle. ? 800-445-4673
Online Medical Privacy Training from Hubbartt
Hubbartt and Associates (St Charles, Ill) has launched a Web-based HIPAA training resource,, for healthcare providers and other organizations affected by HIPAA requirements. With the site, covered organizations can arrange for employees to log on to the training module at the employee’s convenience. Simple on-screen prompts provide training and information about HIPAA medical privacy requirements. A printable certificate of completion documents an employee’s training participation. The site also provides additional resources, including booklets, answers to FAQs, and more. ? 630-513-9494
Film Digitizers from VIDAR Systems
VIDAR Systems Corp (Herndon, Va) offers the Advantage product platform of medical film digitizers. Evolved from the company’s plus line of digitizers, the Advantage line features VIDAR’s high-definition CCD technology and automatic digitizer calibration. The CADPRO Advantage for mammography includes the SmartFeeder, which reduces multistep film loading into one step. The DiagnosticPRO Advantage digitizes films twice as fast as previous models. And the DositometryPRO Advantage delivers the consistency and repeatability required by radiation film dosimetry and IMRT. ? 800-471-SCAN
From left to right are the DositometryPRO, DiagnosticPRO, and CADPRO.
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