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Image-Compression Software from AMC

American Multiplexer Corp (AMC of Sunnyvale, Calif) now offers eFotoXpress Premium, an image-compression program designed for X-rays and other large, high-quality images. The software makes it possible for images as large as 100 megabytes to be compressed to 80 kilobytes or smaller with no critical data loss. Allowing 3:1 lossless compression, eFotoXpress includes a suite of editing tools and the ability to attach 10-second voice messages.

Web: ? www.efotoxpress.com
Phone: (408) 730-8200

PACS Reading Stations from Biomorph

The Level 3 line of PACS reading stations from Biomorph (New York) is based on a linear design that supports multiple LCD monitors. Available in four different widths and with either crank- or electric-driven height adjustment, the stations can be reconfigured in seconds and require minimal installation. Other features include a leg-mounted CPU holder, a task light, and a wire-management spine.

Web: ? www.biomorph.com
Phone: (888) 302-DESK

Secure Access to HIS from Encentuate

Encentuate Inc (Foster City, Calif) offers TCI for Healthcare, a solution that provides secure access to HIS and supports HIPAA-compliance requirements. The system combines sign-on/sign-off automation, authentication management, and user-centric audit tracking and reporting, allowing staff to quickly gain access to patient information. TCI for Healthcare leverages existing building-access cards, eliminating the need to purchase new badges. The system also is optimized to meet shared workstation requirements of hospitals and a range of workflow scenarios.

Web: ? www.encentuate.com
Phone: (866) 362-3688

Imaging-Inspired Art from Med/ART

Med/ART (Morristown, NJ) has added two giclee-process reproductions to its line of imaging-related posters and prints. The special editions of Wired (shown here) and Slice of Life by artist Donna Krin Korkes have been reproduced on canvas by a giclee process that scans and details the original work of art. Available in two sizes?25 x 34 inches and 21 x 27 inches?each painting is signed by the artist. Custom framing is available.

Web: ? www.medartposters.com
Phone: (973) 539-2179

Document-Scanning Software from RemoteScan

RemoteScan for Medical Practice, new software from RemoteScan Corp (Missoula, Mont), enables the use of any scanner from any remotely hosted software application running on Windows Terminal Services or from Citrix environments. Users can scan documents directly into an electronic medical record, patient record, and document-management software package. The software includes pass-through scanning, which buffers and compresses images locally and then automatically streams the data to application software as bandwidth becomes available. Also included are custom templates for configuring scanning options, such as image resolution and area, so that scanned documents can be consistent regardless of the scanner installed at the facility.

Web: ? www.remote-scan.com
Phone: (406) 721-0319

3-D Collection of Human Body from Zygote

Zygote Media Group (Salt Lake City) has launched Human Anatomy 2.0, a complete 3-D collection of the human body. Released in conjunction with Poser 6 from Curious Labs Inc (Santa Cruz, Calif), the software provides users with the complete human anatomy, including internal organs (such as the heart and brain) and anatomical systems (such as the nervous, digestive, circulatory, reproductive, and endocrine systems). Human Anatomy 2.0 also includes one of the only complete models of female anatomy. With the software, physicians can walk patients through a procedure prior to an operation.

Web: ? www.zygote.com
Phone: (801) 765-4141