Portable Dose Index Set
Fluke Biomedical, Radiation Management Services, Cleveland, introduces the Nested CT Dose Phantom Set. The lightweight, portable set allows for measuring CT dose index in children and adults. It features a pediatric head and pediatric/adult head segments that sit inside the adult body for efficient usage and portability, as well as a carrying case with wheels and a pull handle. (440) 248-9300; www.flukebiomedical.com/rms .
3D Software Updates
TeraRecon Inc, San Mateo, Calif, offers software updates for its Aquarius product family. Aquarius Workstation Version 3.4 has improved workflow enhancements, including automatic segmentation and report generation, for cardiac and cardiovascular imaging, endovascular intervention planning, CT colonography, and neuroradiology applications. AquariusNET Server Version 1.5 allows physicians to connect via a conferencing feature through the thin client running on their own PC. (650) 372-1100; www.terarecon.com .
Flexible SPECT/CT
GE Healthcare, Waukesha, Wis, offers the GE Infinia™ nuclear medicine system. Infinia combines a single-head gamma camera with a dual-head design to allow for a wide range of scanning positions. Features include: a 5 mm CT axial resolution with Hawkeye® for enhanced SPECT/CT lesion detection; fan-beam collimator for enhanced brain SPECT scanning efficiency and resolution; and a camera-based positron emission tomography option. New detector motions were added to its ergonomic design. (800) 494-2567; www.gehealthcare.com .
Gated SPECT Enhancement
UltraSPECT, Haifa, Israel, introduces Xpress.cardiac, a myocardial perfusion gated SPECT image enhancement application utilizing the company’s Wide Beam Reconstruction™ (WBR) technology, which eliminates the negative effect of the collimator line spread function. Xpress.cardiac scans can be completed in as little as 6 minutes, reducing the probability of patient movement artifacts. www.ultra-spect.com .
Imaging Display Board
Matrox Graphics Inc, Montreal, introduces AURORA VX2mp, the first in a series of medical imaging display controller boards. Aurora VX2mp has an analog navigation console display output to support up to 2 MP resolution, and its two twin imaging display outputs can support up to 2 MP analog or digital displays. It is designed for PACS, x-ray imaging, CT, MRI, and DR. www.matroxmed.com .
Equipment Upgrades
Philips Medical Systems, Andover, Mass, introduces enhancements to its line of GEMINI PET/CT scanners. The upgradesdesigned to improve patient throughput, and expand the range of imaging procedures physicians can perform on the equipmentinclude: a new cardiac review and analysis package; list mode acquisition and data management tools for research needs; gated acquisition for cardiac and respiratory applications and research; new DICOM connectivity features; and 3D RAMLA PET reconstruction. (888) 647-4285; www.medical.philips.com .