December 5, 2006—The Access to Medical Imaging Coalition (AMIC of Reston, Va) sent a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert on Dec. 1 regarding the DRA imaging cuts; the letter asks Speaker Hastert and the House of Representatives to address the Access to Medicare Imaging Act (HR 5704) before the December adjournment of the 109th Congress. In addition, AMIC is running advertisements all this week in Roll Call and the National Journal’s Congress Daily, two of the primary publications serving Capitol Hill, urging Congress to consider the deleterious effects of the cuts.
“28: That’s how many days are left before Medicare will slash reimbursement for CT scans that show whether your Medicare constituents are suffering from a deadly abdominal aortic aneurysm,” one ad reads.
“26: That’s how many days are left before Medicare will slash reimbursement for ultrasound scans that guide radiation therapy for your Medicare constituents suffering from prostate cancer,” another states. “Don’t you wish that Congress had studied those cuts before it passed them?”
The DRA cuts will go into effect Jan. 1 if not addressed during the December lame duck session.
—Cat Vasko