How are examinations assigned to radiologists?
Are all radiologists in one location or are they geographically distributed?
Will a web-based distribution method or a solution based on Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) teleradiology be used for on-call support? Will an overnight interpretation service be used?
Who, or what mechanism, will be employed to ensure that all examinations are read? Will the picture archiving and communications system (PACS) support that tracking?
How will reports and/or images be distributed to referring physicians??
Will the PACS be linked to the radiology information system? How will this be achieved?
Do existing scanners and image-acquisition devices support DICOM Modality Work List?
If the small facility will not be hiring a PACS administrator, who will have this responsibility? Has this person been informed?
Where will the PACS hardware be placed? Will it require additional power, cooling, or space?
Is the existing network sufficient to support the added hardware, or will upgrades and additions be required?