Since the January 12 earthquake that devastated Haiti, aid has been pouring into the island nation. Among those donating badly needed medical equipment is Siemens Healthcare.
Among the medical supplies that the company has donated are 20 ACUSON P10 ultrasound systems. These handheld units are of particular use in urgent medical situations—such as a natural disaster—giving medical and emergency personnel accurate clinical assessments in a matter of seconds.
The ACUSON provides focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) protocols, which can identify free fluid from organ ruptures due to blunt trauma and identify foreign objects lodged inside the body.
The pocket-sized, 1.6 lb unit runs on battery power and can scan continuously for one hour on a single charge.
Siemens donated the ACUSON and other medical supplies through Project HOPE. Company technicians were available via telephone to Project HOPE personnel to assist them with the installation of the equipment, according to a company press release.
(Source: Press Release)