Hitachi Medical Systems, Twinsburg, OH, and the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Research & Education (R & E) Foundation, Oak Brook, IL, have awarded the Hitachi Medical Systems/RSNA Research Seed Grant to Omolola Atalabi, M.B.B.S. and to Sidhartha Tavri, M.B.B.S.
Atalabi is a researcher based at the University College Hospital /College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. RSNA/Hitachi is awarding $30,000 to help Atalabi to develop more medical and technical expertise in ultrasound for children. She is particularly interested in using ultrasound to more effectively detect pediatric renal impairments in order to improve admissions outcomes, reduce the cost of late detection, and improve treatment and patient care.
Tavri,who works at theUniversity of California San Diego, will use his award to study the use of stem cells as a “Trojan horse” for ultrasound-targeted cell therapy.
The RSNA R&E Foundation is awarding a total of 72 grants in 2010 valued at $2.25 million.