As any radiology administrator knows, having a powerful, user friendly RIS/PACS is only half of a data management solution. The other half is making sure the system is operating at peak efficiency at all times.

A partnership between RIS/PACS Provider RamSoft, Inc., and hosting company ERadiology, LLC should bring a sigh of relief to anyone who has experienced technological downtime at a critical moment. ERadiology will offer a hosting solution that leverages the latest in digital imaging technology while reducing capital costs for equipment purchase and maintenance.

The ERadiology solution combines RamSoft’s software with a fully managed ASP provider hosted in redundant SAS70-certified data facilities. According to a company press release, this combination ensures 99.99% uptime, 24x7x365 security, uninterruptible power, environmental controls, fire suppression, and redundant fiberoptic networking to provide complete, safe access to patient data.


(Source: Press Release)