July 17, 2007—MMR Holdings Inc, Glen Allen, Va, a national provider of outpatient imaging facilities, will implement the SourceRad RIS/PACS/billing solution from SourceMedical Inc, Birmingham, Ala at all of its 16 facilities, beginning with Greater Missouri Open-sided MRI and CT, St. Louis.
"MMR Holdings is a market leader in providing outpatient imaging services from coast to coast," said Ralph Riccardi, president and COO of SourceMedical’s radiology division. "The company’s dedication to patient service has led to a thriving business, even in highly competitive markets. We are delighted to support the continued success of MMR Holdings through cost-effective RIS/PACS/billing solutions."
SourceRad is the only Web-based RIS/PACS/billing solution designed to run over the Internet without a VPN or other network security requirements.
—Cat Vasko