Notwithstanding the recent flattening of growth in medical imaging procedure volumes in the US, the growth in image data volumes continues to accelerate. Increasing average study volumes, evolving regulatory guidelines, a growing imaging patient population, and continuing reliance on imaging by the clinical enterprise all contribute to mounting image data volume requirements.
New analysis from Frost & Sullivan’s US Enterprise Medical Image Archiving Market research finds that the vendor-neutral archive (VNA) market earned revenues of $110.5 million in 2011 and estimates this to reach $210.0 million in 2018. The VNA market consists of third-party vendors that provide PACS-neutral archives. Furthermore, Frost & Sullivan projects that the enterprise picture archiving and communication system (PACS) archive market, comprised primarily of incumbent PACS vendors, earned revenues of $77.4 million in 2011, which will grow to $168.2 million in 2018. The current traction in various customer segments of the market and proactive investment by industry participants suggest that revenues will sustain double-digit growth rates in both of these markets during the next seven years.