In concordance with the accepted terminology used in the field of medical physics, the American Board of Radiology (ABR) will change "radiologic physics" to the updated terminology "medical physics." This change represents an adjustment in name only, with no change to any of the processes and requirements previously in place for certification of medical physicists by the ABR.

Included in the name changes are: Therapeutic Medical Physics replacing Therapeutic Radiologic Physics; Diagnostic Medical Physics replacing Diagnostic Radiologic Physics; and Nuclear Medical Physics replacing Medical Nuclear Physics.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) have approved the name change.

The previous nomenclature will remain in effect on the older certificates, with the change to medical physics commencing with those certificates issued in 2011. The name will be updated on the ABR website in the near future.

(Source: American Board of Radiology)